MiniBot Battle Guidelines

Updated: 2023/05/02

1. What are MiniBots about?

  • MiniBots are a cutting-edge platform for learning technical skills and developing design and operator capabilities. These remotely controlled robots are designed to compete in matches or games, challenging users to combine technical know-how and operating skills to achieve victory. 
  • At Lord of Robots, we believe that MiniBots are more than just toys - they are powerful tools that can be used to develop technical and creative skills in a fun and engaging way. To help users get started, we offer a range of kits and frames through our webstore, as well as encouraging the use of 3D printing to create custom parts and components.
  • With our open-source components and software/firmware, users are encouraged to hack and modify their bots, exploring the possibilities of the platform and developing their skills along the way. Whether you're a hobbyist, student, or professional, MiniBots are the perfect choice for anyone looking to develop their technical skills and compete in exciting matches and games.
  • Start exploring the possibilities of MiniBots today, and discover the limitless potential of this exciting platform for learning and creativity.

    2. Definitions

    1. Robot: An electromechanical assembly that can be remotely or autonomously controlled.
    2. Clusterbot: A robot consisting of two or more parts, which may be subdivided into botlets.
    3. Botlet: A self-contained subdivision of a clusterbot, which may or may not be a robot on its own.
    4. Arena: The designated area where robots compete, also known as the field or battle surface.
    5. Pit or Dropoff: Gaps or spaces in the arena floor, typically located at the edges, where a robot may fall into or off of.
    6. Battle: The competition where one robot fights another robot, also known as a combat or match.
    7. Contestant: The person responsible for a specific robot, also known as a team member, operator, or driver.
    8. Antweight class: A robot weighing 1 pound or less (approximately 500 grams).

    3. Robot - General

    1. Robots must weigh 500g or less, including batteries. Clusterbots are weighed as a single assembly.
    2. All robot parts must fit within a 6" cube. Clusterbots are counted as a single assembly and must fit within the size limit cube.
    3. Robot components may leverage any material and construction method.
    4. Mechanical energy storage devices are permitted, but inertial energy storage devices must start the match with zero energy.
    5. Robots may only expand after the start of a match, and only if the expansion is instigated by remote control.
    6. Robots must have an externally accessible way to be shut down, and all weapons must have a method of locking them in a zero-energy state.
    7. Autonomous functions are permitted, but must be remotely activated and disabled.
    8. Pneumatic systems and liquid/fluid/hydraulic systems are prohibited, but passive pneumatic systems are allowed.
    9. All sharp edges must have protective covers outside the arena.
    10. Weapons not permitted include glue, fluid-based, string/entanglement, flame-based, electricity-based, explosive, rotating weapons that may shatter, magnetic/inductive systems, EMP, radio frequency jamming, visually blinding or lasers.

    4. Robot - Electrical and Electromechanical 

    1. Main electrical power source shall be from AAA or AA style batteries. Rechargeable batteries are preferred. Up to 4 batteries may be used in a robot. Clusterbots shall have a maximum of 3 batteries per botlet.
    2. LiPo (Lithium polymer) "pouch" batteries and other electrical sources are prohibited.
    3. Maximum internal voltage shall not exceed 6VDC.
    4. N20 style gear motors are permitted for locomotion and actuation functions. All gear types and configurations are permitted.
    5. RC hobby servos of with a rated stall torque less than equal to 15kg/cm are permitted for locomotion or actuation functions. This includes limited angle, continuous rotational and linear types.
    6. Solenoids are permitted for locomotion or actuation functions.
    7. All other sources of electromechanical movement/actuation are prohibited.
    8. Lasers are prohibited
    9. Non-actuated devices (such as piezoelectric, LEDs, buttons, switches, sensors, cameras, encoders etc…) are permitted.

    5.  The Arena 

    1. Safety glasses must be worn by all persons within 10ft of the arena during a match.
    2. All battles must take place in an arena, regardless of the weapons used.
    3. The arena surface is to be kept clear once a robot is placed in the area, and all hands and other body parts must be kept at least 1ft away from the surface.
    4. Robots will start matches in diagonally opposite corners of the arena.
    5. The arena is a raised platform (>0.5") and can be one of the following sizes with no walls. The surface shall be made of 0.5-inch foam panels:
      • Close Quarters battles: 24 inches x 24 inches
      • Medium Size: 36 inches x 36 inches
      • Large Size: 48 inches x 48 inches.

          6. Combat 

          1. Battles are 1 vs 1 configuration. Clusterbots count as 1 robot.
          2. Matches can be won in 3 ways: by removing the opponent from the area, disabling the opponent or being judged as the dominant aggressor. A tie/draw is possible if the judge cannot determine the most dominant aggressor.
          3. Clusterbots will lose when all botlets have been eliminated by the previous rule.
          4. Battles will last for a maximum of 3 minutes. Judges will decide the winner of any battle that has reached the time limit.
          5. A robot that falls off the arena and touches the bottom of the pit or dropoff has lost. If a robot bounces into and out of the pit or dropoff without touching the bottom, the fight may continue.
          6. A robot will lose when it is immobile or lacks controlled/intelligent motion for more than a 10-second countdown. Contact between an immobile robot and an opponent will reset the count.
          7. Robots may surrender at any time during the fight. Holding or pinning each other is allowed for a maximum of 20 seconds before disengaging.
          8. Outside manipulation is not permitted during the contest. If a robot leaves the arena before making contact, the battle will be restarted.
          9. If two robots fall into a pit or dropoff at the same time, the aggressor to this action is judged to have won.
          10. Intentional damage to the arena will result in an instant loss.


          7. General Competition Guidelines

          1. Contestants are required to obey the event organizer and may be disqualified if they fail to do so. Event organizers have the final say in all matters.
          2. Judges must be impartial and identified before each battle. Any objections to a judge must be raised before the match begins, and the event organizers will decide if the complaint is valid.
          3. Before competition begins, event organizers will check each robot to ensure compliance with minimum rules, including weight, size, power source, failsafe control, and weapons.
          4. Each team must be self-contained and cannot share drivers, remote controllers, robots, or battery packs with other teams. Clusterbots may use additional drivers from other teams but must comply with all other rules.
          5. Robots must be handled by the robot's team or event organizers. The driver is responsible for ensuring their robot is safe and all weapons are inactive before retrieval.
          6. Robots must be placed in the arena within five minutes of being called to fight. Failure to comply may result in a loss.
          7. Batteries must be charged using off-the-shelf battery chargers.
          8. Robots may only be operated inside the arena or during normal functionality testing on a bench. Dangerous weapons may not be used outside of the arena.
          9. Non-participants must keep their distance from the arena during battles.