Code - Basic 2 motor Mini Bot

This code can be Copy/Pasted directly into the Arduino IDE.
/* PS4 to ESP32
   Must use the following configuration and setup instruction
      Install Latest Version of Arduino (This was writen on version 2.0.3)
      Add to preferences/Additional board manager ULRs :
      Add to Board manager "ESP32" by Espressif Systemsin, latest version
      Download the PS4-esp32 Library zip file from:
        Add "PS4-esp32-master" zip file to Library Manager
      Use a genuine PS4 controller, generic versions sometimes seem to have trouble
      Download and install SixaxisPairTool software from:
      Use SixaxisPairTool software to find the Mac address save to the PS4 contoller
      Enter the mac address  from the controller into the section under setup().
      For target board choose "ESP32 dev module" if ESP32 Dev kit is used.
      if usb issue, try install  CH340 Driver :

      This code connects to a specific MAC Address which is already stored on the PS4 Controller.
      When connected the PS4 controller, left/right motion is mapped to right X axis and forward/reverse to left Y axis.
When not connected motion is stopped
// Included library
#include <PS4Controller.h>

// IO Interface Definitions
#define StatusLED            2
#define ControllerSelect   4
#define motorPin_L_1     16
#define motorPin_L_2     17
#define motorPin_R_1    18
#define motorPin_R_2    19

// PWM Configuration Definitions
const int Motor_L_1 = 0;
const int Motor_L_2 = 1;
const int Motor_R_1 = 2;
const int Motor_R_2 = 3;
const int freq_Drive = 20000;
const int resolution = 8;
// Control Configurations
int DeadBand = 20;
int TurnRate = 1.25;
int MaxSpeed = 255;
int MinStartingSpeed = 160;

void setup() {
  PS4.begin("01:02:03:04:05:06");  //ENTER YOUR CONTROLLER'S MAC ADDRESS HERE!

  // confguring digital IO
  pinMode(StatusLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motorPin_L_1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motorPin_L_2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motorPin_R_1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motorPin_R_2, OUTPUT);

  // output preset bias
  digitalWrite(StatusLED, 0);
  digitalWrite(motorPin_L_1, 0);
  digitalWrite(motorPin_L_2, 0);
  digitalWrite(motorPin_R_1, 0);
  digitalWrite(motorPin_R_2, 0);

  // configure LED PWM functionalities
  ledcSetup(Motor_L_1, freq_Drive, resolution);
  ledcSetup(Motor_L_2, freq_Drive, resolution);
  ledcSetup(Motor_R_1, freq_Drive, resolution);
  ledcSetup(Motor_R_2, freq_Drive, resolution);

  // attach the channel to the GPIO to be controlled
  ledcAttachPin(motorPin_L_1, Motor_L_1);
  ledcAttachPin(motorPin_L_2, Motor_L_2);
  ledcAttachPin(motorPin_R_1, Motor_R_1);
  ledcAttachPin(motorPin_R_2, Motor_R_2);

void loop() {
  if (PS4.isConnected()) {
    digitalWrite(StatusLED, 1);

    // store the joystick values
    int Y_Axis = PS4.LStickY();
    int X_Axis = PS4.RStickX();

    // calutating arcade drive values for each motor
    if (abs(Y_Axis) < DeadBand) Y_Axis = 0;
    int L_value, R_value = 0;
    if (abs(X_Axis) > DeadBand) {
      L_value = Y_Axis - (TurnRate * X_Axis);
      R_value = Y_Axis + (TurnRate * X_Axis);
    else {
      L_value = (Y_Axis);
      R_value = (Y_Axis);

    L_value = constrain(L_value, -127, 127);
    R_value = constrain(R_value, -127, 127);

    // this section of the code handles setting the motor PWM outputs for each motor
    if (L_value > (DeadBand)) {
      ledcWrite(Motor_L_1, map(abs(L_value), 0, MaxSpeed, MinStartingSpeed, MaxSpeed));
      ledcWrite(Motor_L_2, 0);
    } else if (L_value < (-DeadBand)) {
      ledcWrite(Motor_L_1, 0);
      ledcWrite(Motor_L_2, map(abs(L_value), 0, MaxSpeed, MinStartingSpeed, MaxSpeed));
    } else {
      ledcWrite(Motor_L_1, 0);
      ledcWrite(Motor_L_2, 0);

    if (R_value > (DeadBand)) {
      ledcWrite(Motor_R_1, map(abs(R_value), 0, MaxSpeed, MinStartingSpeed, MaxSpeed));
      ledcWrite(Motor_R_2, 0);
    } else if (R_value < (-DeadBand)) {
      ledcWrite(Motor_R_1, 0);
      ledcWrite(Motor_R_2, map(abs(R_value), 0, MaxSpeed, MinStartingSpeed, MaxSpeed));
    } else {
      ledcWrite(Motor_R_1, 0);
      ledcWrite(Motor_R_2, 0);

  else {
    // turn off status LED and stop motors
    digitalWrite(StatusLED, 0);
    ledcWrite(Motor_L_1, 0);
    ledcWrite(Motor_L_2, 0);
    ledcWrite(Motor_R_1, 0);
    ledcWrite(Motor_R_2, 0);